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Update Elusive Icon CSS

Mengatasi Elusive Icons yang error menjadi kotak-kotak.
Update Elusive Icon CSS - Hari ini saya mendapatkan laporan bahwa Elusive Icon tidak berjalan. Setelah saya cek, entah kenapa CSS Elusive Icon yang saya hostingkan di Google Drive tidak dapat diakses.info

Bagi Anda yang telah menggunakan Elusive Icon yang pernah saya share sebelumnya, supaya kembali berjalan normal, ganti kode :

<link href="https://googledrive.com/host/0B3pi8P5BWqm1T1dGSEJhWFRjUGs/ei.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

dengan kode ini :

<link href="http://blog.id1945.com/css/elusive.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

atau bagi Anda yang tidak suka dengan CSS external, simpan kode CSS ini ditemplate sebelum ]]></b:skin> atau </style>

@font-face {
 font-family: 'Elusive-Icons';
 font-style: normal;
 font-weight: 300;
 src: local('Elusive-Icons'), local('Elusive-Icons'), url(http://blog.id1945.com/fonts/Elusive-Icons.woff) format('woff');

/* Use the following CSS code if you want to use data attributes for inserting your icons */
[data-icon]:before {
font-family: 'Elusive-Icons';
content: attr(data-icon);
speak: none;
font-weight: normal;
font-variant: normal;
text-transform: none;
line-height: 1;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

/* Use the following CSS code if you want to have a class per icon */
Instead of a list of all class selectors,
you can use the generic selector below, but it's slower:
[class*="icon-"] {
.icon-zoom-out, .icon-zoom-in, .icon-youtube, .icon-wrench-alt, .icon-wrench, .icon-wordpress, .icon-wheelchair, .icon-website-alt, .icon-website, .icon-warning-sign, .icon-w3c, .icon-volume-up, .icon-volume-off, .icon-volume-down, .icon-vkontakte, .icon-vimeo, .icon-view-mode, .icon-video-chat, .icon-video-alt, .icon-video, .icon-viadeo, .icon-user, .icon-upload, .icon-unlock-alt, .icon-unlock, .icon-universal-access, .icon-twitter, .icon-tumblr, .icon-trash-alt, .icon-trash, .icon-torso, .icon-tint, .icon-time-alt, .icon-time, .icon-thumbs-up, .icon-thumbs-down, .icon-th-list, .icon-th-large, .icon-th, .icon-text-width, .icon-text-height, .icon-tasks, .icon-tags, .icon-tag, .icon-stumbleupon, .icon-stop-alt, .icon-stop, .icon-step-forward, .icon-step-backward, .icon-star-empty, .icon-star-alt, .icon-star, .icon-stackoverflow, .icon-spotify, .icon-speaker, .icon-soundcloud, .icon-smiley-alt, .icon-smiley, .icon-slideshare, .icon-skype, .icon-signal, .icon-shopping-cart-sign, .icon-shopping-cart, .icon-share-alt, .icon-share, .icon-search-alt, .icon-search, .icon-screenshot, .icon-screen-alt, .icon-screen, .icon-rss, .icon-road, .icon-reverse-alt, .icon-retweet, .icon-return-key, .icon-resize-vertical, .icon-resize-small, .icon-resize-horizontal, .icon-resize-full, .icon-repeat-alt, .icon-repeat, .icon-remove-sign, .icon-remove-circle, .icon-remove, .icon-refresh, .icon-reddit, .icon-record, .icon-random, .icon-quotes-alt, .icon-quotes, .icon-question-sign, .icon-question, .icon-qrcode, .icon-print, .icon-plus-sign, .icon-plus, .icon-play-circle, .icon-play-alt, .icon-play, .icon-plane, .icon-pinterest, .icon-picture, .icon-picasa, .icon-photo-alt, .icon-photo, .icon-phone-alt, .icon-phone, .icon-person, .icon-pencil-alt, .icon-pencil, .icon-pause-alt, .icon-pause, .icon-path, .icon-paper-clip-alt, .icon-paper-clip, .icon-ok-sign, .icon-ok-circle, .icon-ok, .icon-off, .icon-network, .icon-myspace, .icon-music, .icon-move, .icon-minus-sign, .icon-minus, .icon-mic-alt, .icon-mic, .icon-map-marker-alt, .icon-map-marker, .icon-male, .icon-magnet, .icon-magic, .icon-lock-alt, .icon-lock, .icon-livejournal, .icon-list-alt, .icon-list, .icon-linkedin, .icon-link, .icon-lines, .icon-leaf, .icon-lastfm, .icon-laptop-alt, .icon-laptop, .icon-key, .icon-italic, .icon-iphone-home, .icon-instagram, .icon-info-sign, .icon-indent-right, .icon-indent-left, .icon-inbox-box, .icon-inbox-alt, .icon-inbox, .icon-idea-alt, .icon-idea, .icon-home-alt, .icon-home, .icon-heart-empty, .icon-heart-alt, .icon-heart, .icon-hearing-impaired, .icon-headphones, .icon-hdd, .icon-hand-up, .icon-hand-right, .icon-hand-left, .icon-hand-down, .icon-guidedog, .icon-group-alt, .icon-group, .icon-graph-alt, .icon-graph, .icon-googleplus, .icon-globe-alt, .icon-globe, .icon-glasses, .icon-glass, .icon-github-text, .icon-github, .icon-gift, .icon-fullscreen, .icon-friendfeed-rect, .icon-friendfeed, .icon-foursquare, .icon-forward-alt, .icon-forward, .icon-fork, .icon-fontsize, .icon-font, .icon-folder-sign, .icon-folder-open, .icon-folder-close, .icon-folder, .icon-flickr, .icon-flag-alt, .icon-flag, .icon-fire, .icon-filter, .icon-film, .icon-file-new-alt, .icon-file-new, .icon-file-edit-alt, .icon-file-edit, .icon-file-alt, .icon-file, .icon-female, .icon-fast-forward, .icon-fast-backward, .icon-facetime-video, .icon-facebook, .icon-eye-open, .icon-eye-close, .icon-exclamation-sign, .icon-error-alt, .icon-error, .icon-envelope-alt, .icon-envelope, .icon-eject, .icon-edit, .icon-dribbble, .icon-download-alt, .icon-download, .icon-digg, .icon-deviantart, .icon-delicious, .icon-dashboard, .icon-css, .icon-credit-card, .icon-compass-alt, .icon-compass, .icon-comment-alt, .icon-comment, .icon-cogs, .icon-cog-alt, .icon-cog, .icon-cloud-alt, .icon-cloud, .icon-circle-arrow-up, .icon-circle-arrow-right, .icon-circle-arrow-left, .icon-circle-arrow-down, .icon-child, .icon-chevron-up, .icon-chevron-right, .icon-chevron-left, .icon-chevron-down, .icon-check-empty, .icon-check, .icon-certificate, .icon-cc, .icon-caret-up, .icon-caret-right, .icon-caret-left, .icon-caret-down, .icon-car, .icon-camera, .icon-calendar-sign, .icon-calendar, .icon-bullhorn, .icon-bulb, .icon-brush, .icon-broom, .icon-briefcase, .icon-braille, .icon-bookmark-empty, .icon-bookmark, .icon-book, .icon-bold, .icon-blogger, .icon-blind, .icon-bell, .icon-behance, .icon-barcode, .icon-ban-circle, .icon-backward, .icon-asterisk, .icon-asl, .icon-arrow-up, .icon-arrow-right, .icon-arrow-left, .icon-arrow-down, .icon-align-right, .icon-align-left, .icon-align-justify, .icon-align-center, .icon-adult, .icon-adjust-alt, .icon-adjust, .icon-address-book-alt, .icon-address-book {
font-family: 'Elusive-Icons';
speak: none;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
font-variant: normal;
text-transform: none;
line-height: 1;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
.icon-zoom-out:before {
content: "\f05c";
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  1. Yang penting pertamax dulu heheheh :D
    1. Saya belum berani coba pakai webfont kang... lagi jaga diet heheehe... :D
  2. Kedux juga gpp deh :D
    1. pertamaxnya habis :D
  3. Keren pisan icon2nya pasti nih!
    Ijin bukmak waelah...hatur nuhun kang Ismet ::)
  4. Keren nih kang Icon nya ... :D

    Hebat mah akang ... :D
  5. Solar kang... pertamax habiss :D
  6. kapan saya bisa pertamaxxx :(
  7. Telat kara pulang tas ngeeum di cipanas galunggung...
    1. mangstab atuh kang :)
  8. Mantap deh gan.
  9. Berat CSS nya
    1. ga sampe 1 kg ko wkwkwkk :D
  10. Menarik nih kang, pengetahuan baru buata saya
    Maaf nanya Kang, sebenarnya kegunaan dan pentingnya
    Untuk apa update Elusive.? terima kasih Kang Ismet
    1. yang udah pasang sebelumnya ga jalan kang.. makanya harus diganti CSSnya
  11. Duh katinggalan berita eung...
    Saya coba lagi kang....
    1. mangga kang her..
  12. Hese menang pertamax didieu mah. Tapi teu nanaon lah, nu penting komen :D
    1. aya di pangadegan pertamax mah :D
  13. Hmm iyya kang yang kemarin sudah tidak berjalan, nuhun tah kang.

    kang ngomong-ngomong yang cara membuat menu sticky itu kok berada di kiri yah bukan di tengah ?, jika width nya 920px, tapi jika 100% yah jadi seperti menu float/fixed, bisa tidak menyempurnakannya untuk lebar px?
    1. sudah diperbaiki JSnya.. left:'0' hilangkan
  14. biasanya kang banyak yang pake jadi file di google drive na di non aktifkan
    aku lagi banyak ngilangin aksesoris kang di blog na hehehe
    webfont na kpn" deh dicoba :d
    soal nya lagi kena amukan si mbah blog saya :d

    bener ada kelebihan n kekurangan na js eksternal vs js internal hehehehe
    1. leres kitu pisan kang...
  15. edan kang listrik ti magribh baru nyala sekarang cenah kubadai haiyan haha ... walah harus di ganti atuh ya .. opsi kedua ah di hosting pribadi wae ah
    1. pas kang uung hurung, eh didieu pareum jam 10... nembe hurung bieu kang
    2. makana mun masang listrik pesen ka PLN nu teu parem-pareum gera.......
  16. makasih kang, punya saya udah diganti josss :-d
  17. Ah gening sudah di update :D wkwkwkwkwk .. telat berarti yeuh :D
  18. akhirnya sudah diupdate juga, kirain kenapa ga muncul2 iconnya.
    thanks kang Ismet buat sharingnya. :)
  19. kang ismet memang master nya soal gini2an,blogger pemula seperti saya harus melototin terus dan menyimak bener2 apa yang kang ismet posting..hadehhhh ,agar bisa dicerna
  20. kang saya boleh request cara membuat tombol saat di klik muncul modal dialog gk kang? Terimakasih sebelumnya ya kang :D
    1. intinya gunakan .show atau .toggle coba pelajari dulu dari taufik nurrohman, kalau belum jelas, nanti saya buat tutorialnya :

  21. Gak ngerti apa fungsinya kang?
  22. wah mantep bisa buat font icon sendiri,,
    Yang saya tau cuma dari Awesome,, ijin save kang
  23. FontAwesome juga mancabb mastah :D
  24. Anonim
    Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
  25. mampir dl disini, ngambil elusive icon buat blog saya yg lain :-d

    wilujeng enjing.
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